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Advantages of solvent-free laminating machine


In the feeding part, the sheet-fed gravure printing machine is a pile-type continuous feeding of single sheets of paper, while the web-fed gravure printing machine is a continuous feeding of web paper. In the printing section, the arrangement of the plate cylinder and impression cylinder is vertical, horizontal and inclined, with the plate cylinder arranged below. Typically, each unit has a plate cylinder and an impression cylinder. To increase printing pressure, some are equipped with two embossing rollers.

The composite adhesive of the solvent-free laminating machine is AB type adhesive. At present, the structure of solvent-free laminating machines is mostly thin layers combined with thick layers, while aluminized composite materials, aluminum foil composite materials and paper-plastic composite materials have poor operability.

The characteristic of solvent-free adhesive is that it is a two-liquid reactive adhesive with no solvent evaporation and no need to worry about solvent residue. It is greatly affected by temperature. The operability of the glue is generally only about 20 minutes, and there are high requirements for tension control and winding taper.

The technical advantages of solvent-free laminating machines are relatively obvious, but only by effective application can the advantages of low bonding costs and high efficiency of solvent-free laminating machines be fully utilized. Through the step-by-step method of "sample small batch production-normal process mass production", find the right entry point and reduce risks and unnecessary losses. Don't let too many "failure experiences" form a "consensus" and eventually introduce solvent-free composite equipment that has not yet been put into actual use.

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